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Adult Required: Cub Scouts

Adult Training Courses: Cub Scouts
There are a LOT of training courses you can take as a Cub Scout leader. But, there are only a few main courses we consider required if you are going to be a Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Committee Chair; you’ll find them below in the “Required Cub Scout Courses” section. Most of these required courses are available online through Scouting America’s My.Scouting.org training portal.
There are additional courses you may take that will expand your knowledge of how Scouting works or help you learn new Scouting skills. You’ll find those listed below in the “Optional” section.

Required Cub Scout Courses
As a Cub Scout Leader you owe it to your youth members to be “100% trained”, learning as much as you can about Scouting and how to run your den and pack. For all positions, you must complete Youth Protection Training (good for two years).
I’m a Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader – what’s required to be “100% trained”?
- Youth Protection Training
- Hazardous Weather Training
- Den Leader-Specific Training
Youth Protection Training – Scouting America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. Every adult must be current in Youth Protection Training (sometimes called “YPT” for short).
- You may take Youth Protection Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- The training must be renewed every two years.
- If you still feel like you’re not sure what Youth Protection Training is, visit this page for a little more information.
Hazardous Weather Training – This training discusses how to manage risks from the weather to our Scouting family.
- You may take Hazardous Weather Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- The training must be renewed every two years.
- If you still feel like you want more information about Hazardous Weather Training, visit this page.
Den Leader-Specific Training – This course provides Den Leaders with the information and tools to conduct a successful den meeting (a “den” is a group of 8-10 Cub Scouts and is assigned a number like “Den 1”; there are multiple dens within a Cub Scout Pack). This training course applies to all Den Leaders, whether you’re leading a Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos Den.
- You may take Den Leader-Specific Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- Den Leader-Specific Training does not expire.
- If you still feel like you’re not sure what Den Leader-Specific Training is, visit this page for a little more information.
I’m a Cubmaster or Assistant Cubmaster – what’s required to be “100% trained”?
- Youth Protection Training
- Hazardous Weather Training
- Cubmaster-Specific Training
Youth Protection Training – Scouting America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. Every adult must be current in Youth Protection Training (sometimes called “YPT” for short).
- You may take Youth Protection Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- The training must be renewed every two years.
- If you still feel like you’re not sure what Youth Protection Training is, visit this page for a little more information.
Hazardous Weather Training – This training discusses how to manage risks from the weather to our Scouting family.
- You may take Hazardous Weather Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- The training must be renewed every two years.
- If you still feel like you want more information about Hazardous Weather Training, visit this page.
Cubmaster-Specific Training – This course provides Cubmasters with the information and tools to successfully lead a Cub Scout Pack (a “pack” is a collection of dens of Cub Scouts, usually meeting once a month for large scale activities or camps). This training course is required if you are going to be registered as a Cubmaster or Assistant Cubmaster (A Cubmaster is responsible for planning the pack’s monthly meetings while the Committee Chair is responsible for handling the adult business of the pack).
- You may take Cubmaster-Specific Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- Cubmaster-Specific Training does not expire.
- If you still feel like you want more information about Cubmaster-Specific Training, visit this page.
I’m a Pack Committee Chair or Member – what’s required to be “100% trained”?
- Youth Protection Training
- Pack Committee Challenge Training
Youth Protection Training – Scouting America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. Every adult must be current in Youth Protection Training (sometimes called “YPT” for short).
- You may take Youth Protection Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- The training must be renewed every two years.
- If you still feel like you’re not sure what Youth Protection Training is, visit this page for a little more information.
Pack Committee Challenge Training – This course is designed for members of pack committees (the pack committee is a group of adults led by the Committee Chair and Cubmaster who handle the “business” side of running your child’s Cub Scout Pack). This training is required if you are going to be registered as a Pack Committee Chair or pack committee member.
- You may take the Pack Committee Challenge Training in a self-paced online course through Scouting America’s national web training center called My.Scouting.org.
- Pack Committee Challenge Training does not expire.
- If you still feel like you want more information about Pack Committee Challenge Training, visit this page.

Do we need training to go camping?
Yes. At least one adult in your Cub Scout Den or Cub Scout Pack who’s going on the camp out must have taken Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (often called “BALOO” for short).
This is a one-and-a-half day course providing all the necessary skills and tools for a successful den or pack camping trip. BALOO training consists of an online prerequisite and an overnight hands-on practical.
- Visit My.Scouting.org to take the online prerequisite.
- Visit this page to see if there are dates set for the in-person outdoor part of the training.

Optional Training Courses Cub Scout Leaders May Take
Wood Badge
Wood Badge is Scouting America’s “next level” training course that puts you in the position of your Scouts, working together as members of a Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, Venturing Crew, and Sea Scouts Ship.
University of Scouting
The University of Scouting offers more than 100 classes in 5 different “colleges,” with dozens of new classes each year.
MEGA Training
Meet other Scouting volunteers like yourself while also taking one of those important training courses you need to finish to become a better leader.
Climbing Instructor Training
Climbing and rappelling are among the Scouting activities which challenge and captivate the imagination of all ages.
C.O.P.E. Facilitator Training
C.O.P.E. is a set of group initiative games and low and high course activities where participants climb, swing, balance, jump, and think of solutions to a variety of activities.
Chaplain Training
Chaplain training is focused on providing the best trained and motivated adult volunteers to help Scouts uphold their Duty to God from the Scout Oath, and the 12th point of the Scout Law: A Scout is Reverent.