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Track Scout Records Online
Scoutbook is Scouting America’s free official tool for advancement record-keeping and reporting. Its primary purpose is to help Scouts, parents, and registered leaders track and report advancement records. It can also help Scout units track who needs to take or retake Youth Protection Training, plan events, and send messages to their members.
Answers to some basic questions:
Why do I need Scoutbook?
It’s shocking, we know, but there have been times when Scouts have lost their handbook where they keep the proof they’ve completed certain requirements. Or, the signatures of a leader or parent approving advancement in those handbooks sometimes get wet or damaged. Scoutbook lets parents and Scout units maintain an web-based record of Scouts’ advancement.
Doesn’t our council office track Scout advancement?
No. Scout units keep track of their own Scouts’ advancement and then make sure that information is synced with Scouting America’s national records (which are the ones that determine whether a Scout receives the Eagle, Quartermaster, or Summit Award) when they update Internet Advancement (through Scoutbook) or file unit advancement reports. Units who use Scoutbook can sync those records without waiting for our council office to do it.
Who uses Scoutbook?
Adults (parents and leaders) and Scouts. The rules are a little different for each:
- Adults (leaders) – Scouting America creates your account when you join; an adult volunteer designated as a Scout unit’s Scoutbook Administrator can also create an adult’s account. This Administrator has the power to say which adults can be connected to your Scout unit.
- Adults (parents) – Parents use their adult account to control who can access their Scout’s account. A Unit’s Administrator controls which adult accounts are connected to their unit.
- Youth account – Scouts can’t get an account until their parent “invites” them to join. Once a Scout has an account, they can track their advancement progress just like they would if they had adults “sign off” on requirements in their handbook.
How do I get started in Scoutbook?
Note: your unit might not use Scoutbook and instead use a different software program that’s not owned by Scouting America. If that’s the case, the information on this page isn’t going to be very helpful.
Open an internet browser (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on your computer, tablet, or phone and visit www.scoutbook.com. There is not a specific mobile app called “Scoutbook” on the AppStore or Google Play.
- There is an app called “Scouting” that lets Scouts and parents connect to their unit’s Scoutbook account (but this app doesn’t work for Leaders). Once your profiles are set up through Scoutbook, you can follow your Scout’s progress and report completed advancement in this app. The app is available in the App Store or Google Play.
Adult account – Created by Scouting America or an Administrator. You log in using your username and password from My.Scouting.org (that’s Scouting America’s online training site). Parents use their Adult account to control who can access their Scout’s account. A Unit’s Administrator controls which Adult accounts are connected to their unit.
Youth account – Parents must invite their child to join. How? Go to the Scout’s profile and scroll to the very bottom of the page. Select “INVITE” (Scouts must have their own email address to join). Enter the email address. Scoutbook will send a password to the Scout to his/her email. Log in with that email and password and you’re set. Any email sent to a youth through Scoutbook is automatically copied to a parent’s email. Leaders CAN NOT enter a Scout’s email address or create a profile for Scouts; only parents can set those up.