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Leader Training Overview
Training is an important part of learning to become an effective leader. We appreciate our volunteers and want to help you succeed in your role. Training will help you have more fun and do a better job in your leadership position. Every Scouting program has a basic training course that will help you get started and do your job as Den Leader, Cubmaster, or other roles you wish to pursue. After that, there are additional training courses you can take if you’d like, to learn more specialized skills.
Scouting America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. With that in mind, Youth Protection Training is required for all BSA registered volunteers.

Adult Required Training Courses
We want to equip our adult volunteers with the tools and resources necessary to help you grow personally and in your leadership roles. Click to learn more…
Youth Training Courses
We offer training for youth designed to help our members improve leadership skills and further enhance the overall Scouting experience. Click to learn more…