- Join
- Activities
- Activities Calendar
- Cub Scout Activities
- older activities
- Summer Camp
- Winter Camp
- Camping
- Camporees
- Short-Term Camp
- Aquatics
- Climbing and C.O.P.E.
- Conservation Awards
- Conservation Days
- Eagle Reception
- Gathering of Eagles
- High Adventure
- International
- National Jamboree
- Order of the Arrow
- Refund Policy
- Report to State
- Scout Offers
- Service Opportunities
- Service Requests
- Shooting Sports
- STEM Activities
- District Events
- Work at Lost Pines
- other councils
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- Giving
- Resources
- Youth Safety
- FAQs
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- Awards & Recognition
- brand & logos
- Districts
- Commissioner Resources
- Committees
- Forms
- Den Meetings
- Eagle Resources
- Eagle Reception
- Financial Help
- Flag retirement
- For educators
- FOS campaign tools
- Insurance
- Certificate of Insurance
- Membership
- outreach
- Popcorn
- Promoting Scouting
- quartermaster award
- religious emblems
- Religious Events
- Scholarships
- Scoutbook
- Scout of the Week
- short term camp
- special needs
- summit award
- Tools for Council Registered Units
- Unit Finance
- Unit renewal
- volunteer help
- Web Update
- About CAC
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- 512.926.6363
- Español
Outreach Committee
Our council’s Outreach Committee partners with all families and communities in raising young people of high moral character, developing their leadership skills, and preparing them to serve and thrive in a world of increasing complexity and challenge by promoting inclusion through race/ethnicity, age, gender, faith, and socioeconomic conditions throughout our 15 county service area.
Strategic resources
- Council Outreach Strategic Plan (under development)
Council assistance programs
- Camping gear loaner program
Training and Education
- Scouting America Diversity and Inclusion in Scouting training
- You will need a my.scouting.org account to take the training
Ways to Volunteer
- Speakers of languages other than English to help with recruiting efforts