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Den Meetings: The Basics

Along with the Cub Scout’s family, the den meeting is critical to the Cub Scout’s success and enjoyment of Cub Scouting. It is in and through the den that Scouts make social connections, have fun, attain advancement, and bond with the pack.

Before we go any farther, let’s cover two subjects: a) the basics of the Cub Scout program and b) Den Leader-Specific Training:

Basics of the Cub Scout program

Den Leader-Specific Training

This required course provides Den Leaders with the information and tools to conduct a successful den meeting (as you probably remember from the video above, a “den” is a group of 8-10 Cub Scouts and is assigned a number like “Den 1”; there are multiple dens within a Cub Scout Pack). This training course applies to all Den Leaders, whether you’re leading a Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos Den. It’s free, and available for you right now online through Scouting America’s online training portal, The training never expires. When you complete Den Leader-Specific Training, Hazardous Weather Training, and Youth Protection Training, you are considered a “fully trained” Den Leader.

OK, back to den meetings. Den meetings should be fun, organized, and interesting. The good news is Scouting America has put together a step-by-step guide for Den Leaders with everything you need to know, including plans for den meetings.

Den Leader Guides

Den Leader Guides are your best resource. They contain detailed and specific meeting plans for all required and elective “adventures” (adventures are the name of belt loop awards that cover different topics).

You can find free versions of Den Leader Guides and meeting plans by using the Den Leader Experience in the Scoutbook online platform. If you’d like to learn more, just check out this video:

Den meetings have seven distinct parts. These help keep the meeting organized and structured. Each den meeting plan in the Den Leader Guides follows these seven parts.


This is the time to read the den meeting plan, the adventure in the handbook, and secure the materials needed to run the meeting.


As the Cub Scouts begin to arrive, they join in an informal activity or game, often conducted by the den chief to keep everyone interested and active until the entire group has arrived. The gathering activity should be completed prior to the formal start of the meeting as it encourages everyone to arrive on time so the meeting can start on time. A gathering activity is optional.


The opening is the official start of the den meeting. It consists of a formal ceremony, usually including a flag ceremony, and a group recitation of the Scout Oath and Law.

Talk Time

This is where the business items of the den take place. Business items can include dues, recording advancement, notification of upcoming events, introducing a new adventure or a new Scout to the den. Talk Time should be brief so the den can get right to the fun of the meeting.


The activities part of the meeting is focused on the activities related to the adventure the den is working on.


The closing draws the meeting to an end. It’s usually serious and quiet. Den leaders could present a thought for the day or give reminders about coming events.

After the Meeting

The den leader reviews the events of the meeting, finalizes plans for the next den meeting, and reviews upcoming plans pack events or activities.