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Volunteer Committees
Scouting relies on volunteer committees at all levels to help plan, run and evaluate our program. At the local unit level, your Pack Committee or Troop Committee works with your Cubmaster or Scoutmaster to work up a calendar of activities for the following year, set a unit budget, monitor which volunteers need training, and other important tasks. This same kind of work also happens at the council level, only instead of just focusing on one unit… these council committees are responsible for planning, evaluating, and insuring the delivery of programming across all 15 counties of our council service area.
Council-level committees tend to focus on one topic: training, membership, governance, health and safety, camping, and others. People serving on these committees include folks who are still currently involved with a local Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, or other unit as well as community leaders and volunteers who don’t currently have a child in Scouting but who believe in the good our program does for young people.
If you’re interested in taking part in one of these committees, feel free to contact Wendi Noble at [email protected] so we may put you into contact with the current committee chair.
Primary Committees for Our Council
Camping – provide quality, relevant camping programs to a greater number of youth and adult leaders throughout our council, in accordance with the aims and methods of Scouting America.
Outdoor Programs – provide quality, challenging, and safe outdoor programs to a greater number of youth throughout our council, in accordance with the aims and methods of Scouting America.
Older Scouting Programs – Promote existing Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Exploring programs to a more diverse and expanding number of teen youth.
STEM – Support robust Scouting programs promoting and encouraging interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
Advancement – recommend and implement policies for our council which are in alignment with the national Scouting America advancement goals and regulations. We support our units, leaders, Scouts and their families by documenting and disseminating best practices in advancement, and by providing timely, uniform and authoritative responses to questions and concerns from those groups.
Activities/Civic Service – Create opportunities for more Scouts to participate in meaningful council activities and civic service experiences that create a lifetime of great Scouting memories. Create opportunities for more Scouts to participate in meaningful CAC activities and civic service projects by increasing unit level participation.
Training – Enhance and promote existing training programs and explore/pilot alternative methods to appeal to different styles and address different issues.
District Operations – develop a robust organization, District Committee and Commissioners Staff to equip and assist their Scouting units, organizations and leaders in effectively delivering the program to their communities.
Membership – increase the reach and influence of Scouting America and our council through increased, sustainable, membership growth.
Unit Service – provide unit service to all packs, troops, crews, ships, and posts in our council. With the support provided by Commissioners to every unit, we can insure that the unit leadership receives advice and training that will be helpful for the unit success and growth. With this support the units can offer the promise of Scouting and delivery of a quality program that will ultimately achieve the goals of our council.
Finance/Fundraising – responsible for all fundraising activities for our council including: operations, capital, and product sales.
Properties – Provide adequate facilities to meet the program and administrative needs of current and future members of our council.
Governance – provide oversight of the governing functions of the organization. A primary focus is to enhance the overall governance of our council. The committee reviews criteria for board candidates; periodically reviews and revises bylaws and establishes, reviews and revises policies; sees that each council committee has a charter in place; periodically reviews governance structure and responsibilities of Board and committees; sees that (by review of self-evaluation or other means) the performance of the Board and Board commit tees is reviewed; sees that new Board Member orientation is provided and, when possible, provides for the educational development of Board members; reports to the Board of Directors about Committee activities, issues, and related recommendations; and performs other activities related to this Charter as may be requested by the Board of Directors.
Enterprise Risk Management – provides leadership to identify risks within existing and future programs/activities, operations, and at council facilities and suggest effective procedures to mitigate those risks.
Investments – provides oversight specific to the investment activities of our council and its endowment funds. Our council receives an annual distribution from the endowment funds which is used to fund operations, capital maintenance, and delivery of the program to the youth served.
Administration – provides leadership and oversight to the administrative operations of our council to assure: financial stability, technology capabilities, and geographical district alignment so as to efficiently facilitate the operational goals of our council.
Council Relations – covers relations issues in Scouting, such as disputes, membership issues, special needs issues, or youth protection issues.
Legal – give advice on issues that might have liability exposures, and include the following: developing personnel or third-party issues, contracting issues, corporate compliance issues, monitoring litigation and advice on resolving cases, coordinating with insurance counsel and national attorneys, key child protection issues, membership disputes, charges of discrimination, fundraising issues, and high- profile complaints.
Marketing – helps people not in Scouting know more about the program, while also helping people already in Scouting know more about the activities and benefits of Scouting available to them.
Strategic Planning – facilitate an ongoing process to identify and implement the goals and strategies needed to strengthen the Scouting program in our council.