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Adult Required: Youth Safety

Keeping Kids Safe
Scouting America places the greatest importance on maintaining the most secure environment possible for our youth members.
The unfortunate truth is that child abuse – sexual or otherwise – can and does occur anywhere. The younger the victim, the more likely it is that the abuser is a family member*. But you should know that Scouting, thanks to decades of work, is one of the safest youth activities available today because of a culture of prevention between our members, parents, volunteers, and staff. Our policies, procedures, and training have evolved to learn from the past while also borrowing from best practices developed by leading experts in this field. Today, Scouting America’s youth protection practices are the “gold standard” among youth-serving organizations:
“.. several independent child-protection experts told The Associated Press that the Scouts — though buffeted in the past by many abuse-related lawsuits — are now considered a leader in combating sexual abuse.
‘The [Boy] Scouts have the most advanced policies and training,’ said Victor Vieth, a former prosecutor who heads the National Child Protection Training Center in Minnesota. ‘With even slight violations, there’s no debate. Someone who transgresses one of these rules is moved out — you don’t need to give them a second chance.'”
“Major youth groups make headway against sex abuse” by David Crary, Associated Press
As has been the case since our program’s start in 1910, there are many more volunteer leaders and parents than there are professional Scouting employees. It is critical that every adult in our program – whether they are a uniformed leader or a parent of a Scout – knows and follows Scouting America’s Youth Protection policies; when adults follow Scouting America policies, Scouts stay safe. Here’s more on this point from Dr. Michael Bourke, PhD, Chief Psychologist with the Behavioral Analysis Unit, United States Marshal Service, and Chair of Scouting America’s Youth Protection Committee:
*Child Sexual Abuse Statistics (2014). Darkness to Light.
Report Suspected Abuse
Scouting America requires all leaders, volunteers, and staff members nationwide to immediately report any abuse allegation to local law enforcement:
- Ensure the child is in a safe environment.
- In cases of child abuse or medical emergencies, call 911 immediately. In addition, if the suspected abuse is in the Scout’s home or family, you are required to contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services at 800-252-5400.
- Notify the Scout Executive at 512-617-8613 or [email protected].
We also actively share and encourage the use of our 24/7 Scouts First Helpline (call or text 1-844-726-8871 or by email at [email protected]) to report any suspected abuse or inappropriate behavior.
Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection training provides parents and leaders with resources for the Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Exploring programs. The training is done online at my.scouting.org (Not familiar with My.Scouting.org? Visit this page to learn more) and must be renewed every two years.
All registered adult members of Scouting America must be current in Youth Protection Training.
1. Go to My.Scouting.org (note the “dot” between “my” and “scouting”) and create an account.
2. From My.Scouting.org, click on the Youth Protection Training logo on the right corner of the screen (or select “My Dashboard” from the “Home” navigation in the upper left corner).
3. You should see options to take Youth Protection training. If not, select “YPT” from the menu at the top of the screen.
4. Upon completion, print a certificate of completion and keep with your records.
5. A copy of your certificate of completion is required any time you submit a new membership application.
Handbook – Scouts and their parents/guardians are required to review information found at the front of each Scout handbook. This information contains age-appropriate content to help Scouts and the adults in their lives talk about child abuse. You may also find this information at the following links:
- Parent-youth discussion guide – Cub Scout version
- Parent-youth discussion guide – Scouts BSA version
Cub Scout rank Adventure – Scouting America partnered with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation to develop the Cub Scout rank adventure called “Protect Yourself Rules.” This youth protection adventure uses curriculum that will help children recognize, respond to and report abuse. You can find information and materials to work with your Cub Scout(s) by visiting this page from Scouting America.
Personal Safety Awareness – Scouting America also partnered with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation on the Personal Safety Awareness training series for members of the Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Exploring programs. The primary goal of these training videos is to educate youth about what to do if they experience abusive behavior, educate them about safe and unsafe situations, and encourage them to go to a parent or another trusted adult for help when needed. Before reviewing these videos, Scouts should complete the exercises in the “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” pamphlet with their parent or guardian. This pamphlet can be found in the front of the Scout Handbook.
- Personal Safety Awareness – Scouts BSA version (for Scout and Star ranks)
- Personal Safety Awareness – Venturing, Sea Scouting, Exploring version (fulfills the Personal Safety Awareness Training for the Venturing Rank requirement)
Youth Protection Begins With YOU
Even if you are not a registered Scouting leader or volunteer, it is your responsibility as a parent or guardian to know and understand Scouting America’s youth protection guidelines. One of the best ways to do this is to take Scouting America’s Youth Protection Training. Another is to review the youth protection parent guide included at the front of your son’s or daughter’s Scouting handbook. This knowledge will not only benefit you and your child in Scouting, but also equip you to recognize the behavior of potential abusers in your child’s school, sports teams, house of worship, or other activities.
Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse
Past experience has led Scouting America to create and implement the best youth protection procedures among youth-serving organizations nationwide. While one case of child abuse is one too many, the number of abuse cases among Scouts has decreased to less than .00002% of youth members. The reason for this dramatic decrease is the creation and implementation of Scouting’s youth protection training and guidelines nearly 40 years ago. These guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following rules:
- “Two-deep” leadership – a youth is not allowed to be alone with an adult leader who isn’t his or her parent/guardian during Scouting activities. Additionally, no youth is permitted to sleep in the tent of an adult other than his or her own parent/guardian. We also prohibit one-on-one contact between adults and youth members, including texting and communications on social media.
- Every adult present on overnight activities must be registered as an adult member of Scouting. This means submitting an adult application and registration fee, undergoing a criminal background check and volunteer screening database check, and completing Youth Protection training just like all adult leaders. There is a limited exception planned for parents and legal guardians of Cub Scouts attending an overnight camp or event with their children.
- Criminal background checks – Scouting America has a formal leader-selection process that includes criminal background checks and other screenings.
- No hazing – hazing and initiations are prohibited and may not be included as part of any Scouting activity.
- No bullying – verbal, physical, and cyberbullying are prohibited in Scouting.
Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs
We must have your help to continue making Scouting the safest program for youth. Adults who do not follow these and other youth protection rules will be asked to leave an activity or meeting, and – if a registered adult member – may have their Scouting membership revoked and permanently banned from serving as a Scouting volunteer.
Adult-Youth Digital Communications
It’s critical that we all continue to keep youth protection top-of-mind whether our Scouting activities are taking place in person or through a digital platform. Of note, remember that Scouting America prohibits any one-on-one interaction between an adult leader and a Scout – in person, online, through a web conference, over the phone, via text, or in any other form.
- As it relates to social media, two-deep leadership means there should be no private messages and no one-on-one direct contact through email, or direct messaging, chats, instant messaging, or other similar messaging features provided through social media sites.
- All communication between adults and youth should take place in a public forum (e.g. the Facebook wall), or at a bare minimum, electronic communication between adults and youth should always include one or more authorized adults openly “copied” (included) on the message or message thread.
See all of Scouting America’s Social Media Guidelines by visiting this page on the national ScoutingWire page.
Policy Regarding Registered Sex Offenders
Scouting America takes seriously its responsibility to ensure that the program is delivered in a safe, responsible and secure manner. Participation in Scouting is a privilege. In this regard, Scouting America and the Capitol Area Council will determine who will be allowed to participate in the program. Any person who is a Registered Sex Offender or has been convicted of the following offenses will be automatically disqualified from participation in Scouting activities:
- a history of convictions involving abusive conduct including but not limited to abuse, assault, battery, or sex crimes
- felony crimes of violence with or without use of a weapon
- offenses involving the manufacture, distribution, possession with intent to distribute or felony possession of scheduled controlled substances
- offenses involving acts or threats of terrorism
- protective orders or pending petitions
- any person who conceals or fails to disclose convictions for criminal offenses
Any person so disqualified cannot participate in Scouting activities or be present on Scout property.
Anyone who believes they merit an exception to this policy due to the age of the offenses, family relationship to a Scout or like circumstances MUST contact the Scout Executive before participating in any Scout activity or entering any Scout property.
Scout Executive Jon C. Yates
(512) 617-8613
[email protected]