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Chaplain Training

Scouting’s Chaplain training program is focused on providing motivated adult leaders, volunteers and youth members to help Scouts uphold their Duty to God from the Scout Oath, and the 12th point of the Scout Law: A Scout is Reverent.

The training is offered online, for free, at Scouting America’s online training portal, The course will cover a Chaplain’s roles and responsibilities, including your duties during various unit worship opportunities with a focus on interfaith considerations. Plus, you’ll learn about the religious emblems and awards program available in Scouting.

You may take the course anytime. Simply:

  • Visit
  • Click the “Learn Center” button
  • Click the “Position Specific Training” icon
  • Click “Chaplain”

Since the course is offered through, your training record will be updated once you finish the course.

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