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MEGA Training

Scouting’s strength is in the people who belong to the program. MEGA Training offers you the chance to meet other Scouting volunteers like yourself while also taking important training courses you need to become a better leader (and have more fun doing your Scouting job). A lot of the folks you’ll meet have probably dealt with an issue that’s puzzling you and can offer advice from a position of experience.

When you’re not meeting other Scouters over lunch, MEGA Training offers you the chance to take required training courses like Scoutmaster Leader-Specific Training, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), or Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO). Sometimes there are also optional courses, including Chaplain Training, Swimming and Water Rescue, Paddle Craft Safety, and more.

The next available MEGA Training will be in November 22-23, 2024.



Courses typically (but not always) offered at MEGA Training:

Basic Adult Leader Orientation (BALOO)

This course teaches you what you need to know as a Cub Scout adult leader or parent who will go on Cub Scout Den or Pack outdoor events, and is required for pack and Webelos/AOL Den camping. Taking the course at MEGA Training gives you the added bonus of being able to ask questions, get first-hand experience from a fellow volunteer who has been in your shoes and share outdoor/camping experiences.


Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

This course provides Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters with the basic, required information, tools they need, and  the practical skills they need to lead Scouts while camping (although, when done right, your youth will lead the troop and you’ll supervise and mentor).

Scoutmaster-Specific Training is a required as the prerequiste for this course and is offered for  free online through Taking the course at MEGA Training gives you the added bonus of being able to ask questions and get first-hand experience from a fellow volunteer who has been in your shoes.

You have to take Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) in person – you can’t camp online, after all. Taking the course at MEGA Training is a great way to make sure you learn from the best, most experienced volunteers.


Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Aid is a 16-hour, hands-on course to give Scouts the experience needed to handle illness and injury when medical care is more than an hour away. When paired with CPR/AED certifications, Scouts are well prepared to deal with emergencies and routine medical issues that may occur on an outdoor adventure.


Archery Range Master Training (for Cub Scout leaders)

You’ll earn the necessary certifications needed to lead your Cub Scout Pack at Camp Tom Wooten’s Native American Village Archery Range. This course is only for those wanting to become Archery Range Masters. This training is limited to 16 participants. Learn more here.


BB Range Master Training

You’ll earn the necessary certifications needed to lead your Cub Scout Pack at Camp Tom Wooten’s Fort Sam Houston BB Gun range. This course is only for those wanting to become BB Gun Range Masters. This training is limited to 16 participants. Learn more here.


Level I Archery Instructor Training

The course is aimed at Scouts BSA leaders (18 and older) who want to teach the Archery Merit Badge, supervise a range at camp or Cub Scouts Day Camp, or run a quality archery program for Scouts BSA Troops or Venturing Crews. Students who complete the course and pass a written test will receive the Level I Archery Instructor certification (Basic Instructor) valid for three years. Learn more here.


Swimming and Water Rescue Training

This course provides leaders with information and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to swimming emergencies during unit swimming activities. It expands the awareness instruction provided by Safe Swim Defense training. Persons completing the training should be better able to assess their preparation to supervise unit swimming events. To learn more, click here.


Paddle Craft Safety Training

BSA Paddle Craft Safety builds upon the safety lessons learned in Safety Afloat training to include the skills, as well as the knowledge, needed for an adult leader to confidently supervise canoeing or kayaking trips on flat and moving water. There are 2 modules of training for canoeing: (1) Basic and (2) River (moving water). As a result, the training is typically spread over two days, and located on two different waterways.

Persons completing the training should be better able to assess their preparation to supervise paddle craft activities. The training is conducted by a council approved instructor, takes roughly eight hours, and is valid for three years.