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C.O.P.E. Facilitator Training
Why should I take this training?
Because your unit wants use our terrific C.O.P.E. (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) ropes course at our Lost Pines Scout Reservation or Griffith League Scout Ranch! In order to use either course, your unit must have at least one trained C.O.P.E. Facilitator.
What is C.O.P.E.?
C.O.P.E. is a set of group initiative games and low and high course activities. Some of the activities involve a group challenge, while others test individual skills and agility; only a few require athletic strength. Participants climb, swing, balance, jump, and think of solutions to a variety of activities. Most do much more than they thought they could!
The objectives of C.O.P.E. are to develop leadership, problem solving, self-esteem, communication, trust, decision-making, and teamwork with a heavy dose of FUN. A successful C.O.P.E. experience will build a strong bond among members of the team. C.O.P.E. initiatives are based on noncompetitive “New Games” where everyone is a winner. Setting and achieving goals are the preferred measures of success rather than time or score. As much emphasis is placed upon the mental experience in C.O.P.E. as is the physical. The outcomes of most initiatives are discussed by the team to learn from the experience, to affirm positive interactions, and to evaluate the process toward goals. The C.O.P.E. program provides an opportunity for every participant to achieve success as an individual and as a member of a team. All participants are expected to respect the experience of others and to have a positive mental attitude throughout the activities. No one is asked to do more than he or she is willing to undertake, but each is challenged to do as much as he or she can, setting and striving toward their own goals, and contributing to the team objectives.
How do I take this training?
The C.O.P.E. Instructor Training involves an evening classroom session and then a full weekend outdoor session. Courses normally take place between late September and mid-November for the fall, and mid-March to early April for the spring.
- The classroom training session takes place at the Frank Fickett Scout Training and Service Center (12500 North IH 35, Austin, 78753)
- The outdoor session takes place at Griffith League Scout Ranch (424 Oak Hill Cemetery Road, Bastrop, 78602)
Note: Tower Instructor Training is a required prerequisite to the C.O.P.E. Training course