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Climbing Instructor Training
Why should I take this training?
Because your unit wants to go climbing! And, if you’re going to use the climbing tower at Lost Pines Scout Reservation or use our climbing gear for a natural area like Enchanted Rock, you have to have at least one adult who is a trained Climbing Instructor.
How do I take this training?
Our council’s Climbing Committee offers a series of training courses:
- Tower Instructor Training
- Natural Area Climbing Training (Tower course is a prerequisite)
- C.O.P.E. Instructor Training (Tower course is a prerequisite)
Both courses have an evening classroom session and then a full weekend outdoor session (the Natural Area course includes a second full weekend outdoor session). Courses normally take place between late September and mid-November for the fall, and mid-March to early April for the spring.
- The Tower training takes place at Lost Pines Scout Reservation, 785 FM 1441, Bastrop, TX 78602
- The Natural Area training has a classroom session at the Frank Fickett Scout Training and Service Center (12500 North IH 35, Austin, 78753) and outdoor sessions at Bull Creek District Park and Greenbelt (6701 Lakewood Drive, Austin, 78731) and Enchanted Rock State Natural Area (16710 Ranch Road 965, Fredericksburg, 78624)
- The C.O.P.E. training has a classroom session at the Frank Fickett Scout Training and Service Center (12500 North IH 35, Austin, 78753) and an outdoor session at Griffith League Scout Ranch (424 Oak Hill Cemetery Rd, Bastrop, 78602)