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Multi-unit camping events

Authorization for multi-unit camping event

Scouting America policy requires units wanting to camp together during their own event (does not include district or council events) must receive approval from our council's Scout Executive. Please complete this form to request authorization for your planned multi-unit camping event.

  • Only provide if contact is different from person submitting this request
  • Only provide if contact is different from person submitting this request
  • Only provide if contact is different from person submitting this request
  • Please provide program, unit, and unit numbers for all. Ex: Cub Scout Pack 1, Scouts BSA Troop 1, Venturing Crew 1, Sea Scout Ship 1
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • By my signature above, I affirm that the proposed event contributes to the strengthening of all participating units' program.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.