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Have damaged product?
Each year there is a chance of some popcorn products arriving to us with some kind of damage. Units are not financially responsible for products damaged during production. Examples include split seams on bags, a bag/jar not properly sealed, open bags in a sealed case.
If you find a product with a manufacturer’s defect, please have your Unit Kernel follow the steps below:
Unit Kernel’s steps to reporting damaged product
1) Photos – take photos of the damaged product as soon as possible. Provide one clear photo of the entire item that shows the damage. A second photo is needed if the lot code/expiration date on the back is not visible in the first photo.
2) Fill form – complete the form below, using the photo(s) of the damaged product. You may report as many as three damaged items per form submission. If multiple pieces are affected in one case, take one picture of all items together.
3) Leader dashboard – log in to the leader dashboard on the Trail’s End website. Create a Unit to Unit transfer for the damaged items to: District > Council Use Only, Unit > Damages
Approval and Status:
Allow up to one week for damage processing. Our council popcorn team will match image uploads to your Unit to Unit transfer request. Once matched and approved, the product will be removed from your unit’s invoice and inventory. Units can view pending and approved transfers on the Trail’s End website under Transfers & Returns.