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Join us August 3 for the Popcorn Fair!
There will be games and activities for the Scouts, free food, and prizes for everyone! Scan the QR Code above or click here to register.
Unit Popcorn Kernels: One of the steps to receive the 1% Leadership Bonus Commission is attending the Popcorn Kernel Orientation. The Orientation will be held at the Popcorn Fair in the Heritage Room. There is limited space so please sign up today to reserve your spot. Leaders signed up by July 19 will be entered into a door prize drawing.
Please note: registering for the fair does not sign you up for the leader orientation. If you would like to attend both please register for each one separately.
We could not have a successful fair without all of our volunteers. Thank you to those that have already signed up to work the fair this year. We are still in need of a few more volunteers. Whether you are able to stay an hour or the whole time we can find a spot for you. Volunteers can be youth 12 years or older (under 16 must have a parent or guardian onsite) or adults. Youth can use these hours as volunteer hours towards Scouts, school or other youth organizations. Please sign up to let us know when you can be there.