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How Popcorn Can Help You Earn Your 2024 National BSA membership fee

Any changes to national annual membership fees will be updated on this page by early September 2023.

There’s a special popcorn sale offer that can help you earn the 2024 BSA national membership fee! We do not want to lose a single youth or adult because of financial hardship or fee increases.

Through November 30, 2023, our council is offering an optional Popcorn Sale with 50% commission. Earn this bonus commission to raise funds to cover the 2023 national membership fee and $1 general liability coverage fee. The youth 2023 BSA membership can be covered with just $152 retail ($76 net) in popcorn sales and adult membership with just $92 retail ($46 net).


  • Sell online, through the Trail’s End app, or with paper Take Order forms
  • Free credit card processing through the app
  • Open to any youth or leader (even those who did not participate with their Unit)
  • A Scout is Helpful; consider selling to support another youth’s membership

How do you take part? Youth and leaders with an existing Trail’s End account must create a new username just for this special sale (same email address can be used):

  1. Go to
  2. Click Register
  3. Select Capitol Area Council > Membership ONLY > Your Unit
  4. Be sure your profile name matches your BSA registration
  5. Start selling online, Online Direct in the app or take orders in the app under Wagon sales


How to Sell

  • Sell online through you own site at
  • Sell online direct through the app and have the product shipped to the customer
  • Take pre-order using the app or paper take order form and deliver in November
    • paper forms will be available on August 1st
  • Storefront sales are not eligible

Other Details

  • Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and See Scouts can sell up to $152
  • Explorers and Leaders up to $92
  • All proceeds are paid to Capitol Area Council BSA; do not pay your unit
  • All cash must be reconciled using the Pay Now feature in the Trail’s End app
  • Note: sales recorded in your regular District/Unit account are not eligible for this offer

Please contact Will Gregorcyk at [email protected] or call (512) 944-7697 for more information.

Youth, don’t forget to copy your parent on all Scouting electronic communications with adults.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we get the popcorn we need to deliver?
A: Products ordered through wagon sales by November 1 will be available beginning November 17. You may pick up your items at the Frank Fickett Scout Center receptionist desk during normal business hours. Any outstanding payments must be reconciled in the app prior to pick-up. Any orders taken after November 1 may not be available until December 1, but we will do our best to fulfill your orders on November 17.

Q: What type of payments can we take during this program?
A: Online and online direct can only be purchased with a credit card. Wagon sales in the app can accept credit cards or cash. However, all cash must be reconciled using the Pay Now option in the app.

Q: If we take cash, how do we can reconcile it with our council?
A: Deposit the cash into your bank account and use the Pay Now option in the app under Wagon Sales to pay with your debit or credit card.

Q: Does a current Unit Kernel or Unit Leader need to manage participation?
A: No, this program is managed by our council and participation is on an individual level. Nothing is requested from our amazing Unit Popcorn Kernels or other leaders within your unit.

Q: I sold popcorn in my Unit this year. Can I use my same account?
A: No, to earn 50% commission for this program, you must register a new username at and connect to the Membership ONLY District. However, you may use the same email address when registering the new account. Youth and adults that signed up for the popcorn membership program in prior years may us the same account.

Q: Do I need my unit’s approval to participate?
A: No, participation is on an individual level. However, you should inform your Committee Chair so they are aware of your participation.

Q: How does my unit know I have earned my 2023 BSA annual membership fee?
A: Upon payment – you and your Unit Committee Chair will receive email notification of how much was credited to the unit registration account at the Frank Fickett Scout Training and Service Center on your behalf.

Q: Can this be applied to my unit dues?
A: No, this program is only for your 2023 BSA National membership fee and does not affect any additional dues collected by your unit for their program.

Q: Does this get added to my Trail’s End Amazon rewards?
A: No

Q: Can I use leftover product in my unit?
A: No

Q: How will I get the popcorn I sell on the Take Order form or app?
A: Product ordered through this program will arrive November 16th.  Scouts and Scouters that sold product through paper form or wagon sale in the app, will be notified when and how they may pick up their product for delivery.

Q: Can I just sell online and still get 50%?
A: Yes, but it must be with a new username attached to the Membership ONLY District.

Q: If I sell online am I eligible for any Trail’s End giveaways?
A: Yes, Trail’s End promotions do not affect any local Scouting commissions.

Q: Can a Scout sell more than $152?
A: The maximum a Scout can benefit from this program is $76 for their 2023 youth membership fee, and $46 for adults and Explorers. If a BSA member chooses to exceed their sale limit, all remaining commission will be applied to the Capitol Area Council’s financial assistance account that is used to aid others in their membership.  The only exception to this rule is if the Scout/Scouter informs us that they are selling to help others in the Unit or multiple family members under one profile.

Q: How does the money get to my unit to cover my membership fee?
A: The membership fee earned by each person will be applied to the Unit’s registration account at the Frank Fickett Scout Training and Service Center.